Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Surprisingly, I need to find more things to write about because I am drawing a blank on Tuesdays.

Today, this one is for my mother.

Saturday was her birthday, 54 years. I was extremely happy that I got to see her all day, sound all day with her, and do what she wanted since Friday night. Though, on Saturday she kept saying she wanted to call her mom because she knew that my grandma didn't remember her birthday anymore, but when she did--my grandma called every year. It made me a little sad to be honest, because I don't know if one day she might not remember my birthday anymore, but it was a reminder to truly appreciate her while I have her.

Me and my mom never got along when I was younger, it wasn't until I was probably out of high school that things got better. I am glad to say that even though we didn't necessarily get along, we have respected each other.

So I wonder how you're supposed to tell this beautiful woman, how much beauty you see in her. How I don't comprehend how she can do so much for us. How she plays it off, but we all know she was a genius in school, and now you fear that you won't ever get to her level. There's so much I wish i could tell her but I can't find the words or the thoughts to tell her.

A mother is someone who shapes you, for better or for worse. As we grow up we start to see their flaws first hand, but at the same time you love them more because of it. Even though there are things she did that I can't get past, I know in my heart that she did it all with the best intentions.

I don't want to take my mother for granted, because I don't want to regret it 50 years from now, when I can't wish her a happy birthday anymore or dedicate a day to her joy.

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